dilluns, 29 de desembre del 2014


SOFT-SELLING: In advertising, a soft sell is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more subtle, casual, or friendly sales message. This approach works in opposition to a hard sell. Because soft selling is a low-pressure sales technique, it may not result in a sale the first time a product is presented.

(En la publicitat , una venda suau és un anunci o campanya que utilitza un missatge de vendes més subtil , casual , o d'amics. Aquest enfocament funciona en oposició a una venda dura . A causa venda suau és una tècnica de vendes de baixa pressió , no pot donar lloc a una venda la primera vegada que un producte es presenta).

HARD-SELLING: Advertising and sales practices denoted by aggressive or forceful language. A hard sell is designed to get a consumer to purchase a good or service in the short-term, rather than evaluate his or her options and potentially decide to wait on the purchase. It is considered a high-pressure technique.

(Pràctiques de publicitat i vendes denotats per un llenguatge agressiu o contundent . Una venda dura està dissenyat perquè un consumidor per a la compra d'un bé o servei en el curt termini , en lloc d'avaluar les seves opcions i potencialment decidir esperar a la compra. Es considera una tècnica d'alta pressió). 

dimecres, 10 de desembre del 2014



This is an American serial of the MTV.  The main character is Jenna Hamilton, a teenager who studies at Palos Hills High School.  Her mother, Lacey Hamilton was sixteen when she became pregnant.  
Matty McKibben is the other main character of the serial. He studies at the same high school as Jenna. He is a popular sportsman.
Matty met Jenna in a summer camp, and they had sex. When the school year started, Jenna and Matty realized that they went to the same high school. Jenna wanted to start a relationship with Matty, but he preferred to keep it on secret. Firstly Jenna accepts, but talks about that with her best friend, Tamara, she decided that this can’t continue in this way. After that, Jenna split up with Matty and started a new relationship with his best friend, Jake Rosati.

Now, they have finished the 4th grade, and shortly will start the 5th. At the end 4th grade, Matty wants to talk with Jenna to confess his love for her since the first time they met a few years ago. However, Lacey Hamilton told Matty that he lost his chance, and it seems that Matty doesn’t want to try to recover their relationship. The next year they will start university, and I don’t know what could happen then.

I wanted to talk about this serial because I like it a lot. I try to see it when I can, and I think that illustrates very well the mistakes of the teenagers in the high school. It talks about the firsts relationships we could have, with our parents, our friends and our boyfriend o girlfriend. I recommend to all of you this serial, I’m sure that you will enjoy it.



For a long time I have cats living in my garden but they aren’t my cats. They are only living in my garden. But it’s true that I give them something to drink and to eat. Five or six years ago, in December, for Christmas the ‘’Mami’’ give birth to three little baby cats. When my parents discovered that their mum did not want to suckle them, they took the babies to give them some milk. But two of these babies died soon. Nevertheless, only my cat “Xeta” survived.

However, ‘’Mami’’ is still alive with two of her daughters “Marta” and “Mercè”. But “Marta” and “Mercè” aren’t Xeta’s sisters, they are her stepsisters.   
This is why I’m living with a cat now. My cat is lovely and cuddly.  She loves my mum so much. When my mum goes out Xeta begins to cry in front of the door, and when my mum arrives home my cat comes  quickly to say hello. She loves my father a lot too. When my father says, ‘’come on Xeta!” and he taps his shoulder, Xeta climbs the stairs and goes to my fathers shoulder, like a parrot! My cat doesn’t like to be alone; she always wants to be with someone, to have company.

I love my cat a lot, but I think that sometimes she doesn’t love me so much, because I always have scratches, like my sister, mother and father. Not my brother, because, I don’t know why, but Xeta hates him a lot. 

dimarts, 2 de desembre del 2014



1. Who's the director of this movie Psycho?

Alfred Hitchock.

2. What type of characters did he often use in horror films?

Film critic Robin Wood and director Francois Truffaut are among those who have noted that the James Bond films, for example, are copies of North by Northwest. A suave and unflappable hero, outlandish dangers, beautiful predatory women — all are elements found in Hitchcock, although the Bond films often revel in titillation and vicarious violence.

3. What technique did he use with the camera?

Perhaps Hitchcock’s most important contribution to horror films was his frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision, as in Psycho when Norman Bates peeps through a hole at Marion, or when “Mother” slashes Marion in the shower. As film critic Roger Ebert has complained, this subjective technique — shooting from the killer’s point of view — has been used to the point of overuse in recent slasher films.


1. What is the comic relief?

Comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, scene, or witty dialogue in the middle of serious or tragic elements in a drama.

2. Why is it often used in horror films?

It is often used in horror films to relieve the tension after a dramatic, tragic or tense moment.

3. Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example?

Yes, I remember laughing in more than one horror film because I was watching them with friends, and they were commenting the film saying funny things, I guess because that relieves the tension, similar to a comic relieve. For example in The Exorcist film, we laugh in several moments although we were all scary.

dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014



This story is about Carrie White is a young outcast by their peers and overprotected by religious fanatical mother. One day the girl with telekinetic powers can move objects with her mind what causes numerous teasing by peers. It causes terror with her telekinet power in the small town where she lives, when she is taken to the limit in the course prom.

The best moments in the film in my opinion:

-  when it comes to menstruation carrie and peers laugh
-  when she discovers her powers

divendres, 7 de novembre del 2014


Who invented de G.N?
The gothic novel was invente-d almost singlehandedly by Horace Walpole.

What was the first G.N?
The Castle of Otranto(1764).

When was it first published?

Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list?
doors suddenly slamming shut =  portes de cop i volta cops de porta
gusts of wind blowing out lights = ràfegues de vent que bufa cap a fora les llums
footsteps approaching = passos que s'acostaven
clanking chains = cadenes
sighs = sospirs
supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events = esdeveniments sobrenaturals o d'una altra manera inexplicables
omens = presagis
ruins of buildings = ruïnes d'edificis
an ancient prophecy = una antiga profecia
characters trapped in a room = personatges atrapats en una habitació

divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014



Aah, the lighter side of the animal kingdom.

Baboon personalities come in all shapes and sizes, but are usually powerfully built smaller individuals with bright appealing eyes.

Arguably, they are neither handsome nor plain, and their robust personalities are engaging and charming.

Intensely social animals, they work hard to maintain their large, well-run families and insist on order in their households -- brooking no disagreement from their mates or children.

Disdain for physical work leaves them dissatisfied with manual labor unless it contains a strong creative component.


I 'm at a party, but all I ___want______ to do is get home. And then I ___hear__ my mother's bell. I ____go____ to find her. She ______'s____ alone. She ____'s____ not supposed to be alone. I _____run_ up to the house to find my dad. There ___'s__ something wrong. It ___doesn't feel___ safe. There _____'s_ something evil in the house.

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014


                                      CRUISE DIRECTOR
                                      MARKETING ESPECIALIST

                                      DOCTOR OF SPORTS
                                      PERSONAL TRAINER

                                        AIR QUALITY SPECIALIST


KINAESTHETIC:  is the kind of intelligence we use when we are making our bodies do things. It is especially highly developed in athletes, dancers, gymnasts, circus performers — people who use the body in precise and exacting ways. For example, those who win at sports, are able to quickly make their bodies move, and do what they can imagine them doing in their minds. Those who are strong on this kind of intelligence are highly paid for their skills as athletes and entertainers.Notice that they are combining two kinds of intelligence here: Kinesthetic and Visual-Spatial.

NATURALISTIC: They have a special awareness of nature. They instinctively recognize, understand and appreciate the patterns and relationships they see in nature.They have the ability to pick out details about birds, animals, stones, clouds, trees and plants, that others never see. They understand animals, how the weather works, and can cultivate beautiful gardens.This kind of intelligence is highly developed in people who depend on nature for their survival. But it is becoming more valued today, now that we are becoming increasingly sensitive to the needs of the natural environment around us.

INTERPERSONAL:  has been misunderstood for many years. It gives a person a deep knowing about subtle aspects of people, situations, and things around them.
This kind of intelligence is extremely discriminating, noticing any change, and being consciously or unconsciously aware of the inner workings of anyone or anything they come in contact with. They can express that intelligence through writing, music, art, movement, even through the fields of spiritual and psychic experience.This is the most private of all the multiple intelligences. They prefer to flow their way through life, sensing and knowing intuitively the best response in any situation. They tend to be quiet, reflective, and not to talk a lot. They are very much at home in the field of Alternative Health Care, or any type of work that uses their special intelligence.

dijous, 9 d’octubre del 2014


Dream: My big dream is to visit United States of America

What challenges will you find?

1. Currently travel to the United States is very expensive.

2. If you visit many places you need to know enough English

3. But sometimes they may refuse your entry. 

What solutions can you think?

1. When I work, I will have money to travel.

2. I study English very hard and I speak it very good.

3. I hope that in the future the process to enter to United States will be faster.


The person who inspires me is my mum. She is cheerful, friendly and understanting. She shows me how to be strong, to think before acting and to love and fight for my family. She teaches me the meaning of being together. She says to me that I have to study a lot have a better future. She likes me to do sport, and I play basketball. She also likes me to play music but I don't like it. She is my hero because she helps me when I need.